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[Michele Savage] [Dana Sherman] [Rina Stewart]
[Studio Dreamer] [Linda M. Young]

Michele Savage

After Hilary is brutally assaulted and left for dead, she and Jeff have some healing to do. (m/f, Jeff/Hilary, NC-17, 165 kb)

Long Separations
A friend helps Hilary relieve some pent up loneliness.(f/f slash, Hilary/Susan, NC-17, 7 kb)

Paper Dolls
Strawberries, Champagne and a Bathtub. (m/f, Jeff/Hilary,
NC-17, 17 kb)

Pool Story
Hilary offers Jeff a diversion to his evening swim. (m/f, Jeff/Hilary, NC-17, 13 kb)

A quarantine can be VERY frustrating! Set during 'Close Quarters'. (m/f, Jeff/Hilary, NC-17, 43 kb)

Raging Storms
It was a dark and stormy night... (m/f, Jeff/Hilary, NC-17, 8 kb)

Reclaiming Memories
Hilary spends an evening at the movies and gets a better idea. (m/f, masturbation, NC-17, 7 kb)

Strip Tease for One
Jeff stops Hillary from stripping during an on-air burlesque show, so she retaliates by stripping for him. (m/f, Jeff/Hilary, NC-17, 6 kb)

Truth or Dare
Maple cons Hilary and Jeff into a surprise meeting and the three of them end up having a rather interesting evening. (f/m/f slash, Hilary/Jeff/Maple, NC-17, 32 kb)

Dana Sherman

In the sequel to "Wading Pool," Scott and Betty meet at the movies and go for a walk, where Betty's daydreams come true. (m/f, Betty/Scott, NC-17, 27 kb)

Wading Pool
On a hot summer day, Betty has a daydream. (m/f, Betty/Scott, R, 18 kb)


Rina Stewart

Recovery Time
Jeff calls Hilary at work. (m/f, Jeff/Hilary, NC-17, 16 kb)


Studio Dreamer

A Light in the Fog
When Hilary is devastated by Jeff's abandonment, a friend comes over to comfort, and stays longer than planned. (m/f, Scott/Hilary, NC-17, 17 kb)


Linda M. Young

Nothing in the Dark
Scott and Betty get stuck in a dark elevator and their relationship heats up. (m/f, Scott/Betty, R, 37 kb)