Truth Or Dare by Michele Savage, 1999 All during the day, Maple kept an eye on Hilary. She seemed to be in a rare good mood. That point should work in her favor. She had planned on proving once and for all that Hilary was lying about her 'supposed' marriage. She decided to ask Jeff out on a 'date' and to ask Hilary and her husband if they would join them. Knowing Hilary she figured she'd probably grab some poor schmo off the street and make him play her husband just to keep up the appearance. That, Maple had decided, she would pay to see. Hilary walked into the green room whistling a non-descript tune and walked to the coffeepot. "Hell-ooo Maple." "Hiya, Hilary." Maple decided now was as good a time as any and approached. "Hilary, can I ask you a question?" "Shoot." "Um . . . I got this date tonight and I don't really know the guy all that well. I mean he's an okay Joe, but I don't--" "Maple," Hilary interrupted, "You're babbling." The red-head snorted, "Oh, sorry. What I wanted to ask was--you think maybe you and your husband," having seen Hilary's eyebrow lift, she finished the sentence rapidly, "would go with us?" At that time, Jeff walked into the green room. "Afternoon Maple." He turned to Hilary and addressed her sarcastically, "Mrs. -- oh yes, you've never really answered that question have you?" "I've never answered it, *Mister Nemkova* because it isn't, the last I checked, any concern of yours." With that comment, she handed Jeff the hot cup of coffee and marched determinedly out of the room. "Ow!" Jeff sat the hot cup down quickly. Maple lowered her voice to a whisper; "Hilary is lying about her husband." "How do you figure that?" He asked. "She refuses to tell you, or anyone, who she is married to, we've never SEEN her with the mystery husband and she really loves to jerk your chain." "She does at that." Jeff replied. Maple walked closer to Jeff, "Here's the deal, I asked Hilary to ask her husband if they'd double date with me and some USO Joe." Jeff looked confused, "How does that concern me?" Maple chucked him lightly on the arm, "You're gonna be my date, silly." Jeff's face brightened with realization, "Oohh," then he grinned wickedly. "Maple, I love you." He bent and kissed her soundly on the lips. "What was that for?" she asked. "Because I love you. At least that's what Hilary is going to think." Maple grinned, "Jeffy Jeffy Jeffy, I knew there was a reason I liked you." That evening at Bella's, Hilary walked in. She had no idea why she'd even agreed to this evening. Maybe it was the mood she was in, she'd just felt like going out. It certainly beat sitting at home feeling sorry for herself. She'd thought for most of the evening about what she was going to tell Maple about her missing husband. He was called away on business. No she hadn't liked that one. He was drafted; no, that had been dismissed too. Finally she'd settled on explaining that he was home sick with the flu. She rounded the corner to join Maple at her table when her eyes struck a very familiar back. Jeffrey! As soon as she saw him, she realized that they planned *something*, and it very likely had to do with her marriage. She backed into the waiting foyer and ducked into the lounge. She needed to find a husband and fast! She glanced over the men in the room, immediately dismissing any that were with dates or wives. She non-chalantly stood near the bar and looked around. Too young; too old; ugh, what was I thinking? Finally she saw a man that seemed to be alone sitting at the end of the bar. He stamped out a cigarette and ordered another drink. Hilary watched him for a few minutes. He was definitely alone. She sauntered up to him and gave him her most winning smile. Hoping, for once in her life, that he wouldn't recognize her. Jack Thompson, he said his name was. She struck up a conversation with him and in the end convinced him, with a few incentives, to play her husband. He'd asked with a lecherous grin if a "wedding night" was part of the incentives and she quickly dashed any hope on his part. "Just play my husband and follow my leads, please don't act on your own." Hilary and her 'new husband' walked to the table occupied by Maple and Jeff. "You met Jeffrey at a USO club, Hmm?" She spoke sarcastically, "I guess he would be there scouting the place for lonely volunteers." Jeff stood, "Hilary." His eyes widened in surprise to see that she had actually come with a companion. Then narrowed them suspiciously as the man lay his hand familiarly on the small of her back and she subtly brushed him away. "So," Maple started, "This is the mystery husband?" Hilary forced a sweet smile, "Jack dearest, this is Maple," she turned to Jeff and sourly added, "and someone she met on a street corner." "He-ey," Maple objected indignantly, "Which one of us you tryin' to insult!" "Who's ever foot the shoe fits." Hilary replied as she sat. Jeff sat and propped his elbow on the table, "So Jack, when did you meet MISS Booth?" he asked adding emphasis on the "miss" title that she so loves to bandy about. "In the lounge." he replied, "Just a few m-" "Months ago." Hilary interrupted, giving Jack's shin a kick, "We met just in the lounge here." She laughed, "I've always found this restaurant to be a romantic place." She turned to the man next to her, "Isn't that right, Pumpkin?" Jeff glared at her use of his nickname. He knew full well she'd probably just pulled the poor man out of the bar. As it was, he could smell that he'd already been there a while. Hilary repeated her question with a nudge at Jack's leg, "Isn't that right Jacky?" "Wha--oh yeah this is a nice place." He answered, "Gee where's that waitress, I could use a drink." Hilary rolled her eyes and silently wished there were a hole she could crawl into. Jeff sensing Hilary's embarrassment decided to up the ante. He snaked his arm behind Maple's back and leaned into her neck and whispered, "play along." before moving he dropped a kiss at the base of her neck. Maple blushed at the surprising bolt of desire that went through her as he kissed her. She giggled and thought, * what the hell. * "Well, since you are here, Hilary," Jeff said, moving his arm to Maple's shoulders and pulling her close. "I suppose you should the first to know." He nearly laughed at the mix of shock, surprise and anger on her face. What stopped him was the look of hurt in her eyes. "First to know what?" She muttered, having forgotten completely about Jack, whose hand was now easing it's way up her leg. She roughly brushed him away and told him to jump onto the nearest transport and take a slow boat to Hell. "Well, that was a short marriage, Hilary." Jeff goaded, "all of fifteen minutes. That a new record for you?" "You know, you are just lucky that I am actually hungry and more than willing to let you foot my bill." Hilary snapped angrily, "Maybe I'll order an extra plate just for your lap!" "Well, that wouldn't do on my wedding night now would it?" Jeff baited, and then scooted more familiarly against Maple. "All right," Hilary confessed, "You caught me. I'm not really married, I admit that. You can stop playing your game now." "Oh, gee Hilary you must have misunderstood. Jeff and I aren't playing." Maple turned, flashed Jeff a winning smile and nestled into his hold. "We really are getting married." Jeff turned and captured Maple's mouth in a lingering kiss. An indignant Hilary screeched, "Do you mind?! You're in public!" Jeff gave her an exasperated look, "You never complained when I kissed you in public." Hilary started to utter loud oaths, when Jeff interrupted, "Maybe we should take this discussion to a more private place." "You two can take it to your bed," Hilary stood, "I'm going home!" Jeff stood quickly; he wasn't going to let her off that easily. He grabbed her arm, "No, we need to discuss this." "Maybe I should go home and let you two talk this over." Maple offered. Jeff took her hand and pulled her close, "No, sweetheart you're just as involved," Jeff replied and kissed her quickly on the cheek. He'd always been attracted to Maple yes, but he was surprised at how his body reacted to hers. Maybe it was Hilary's presence. Either way, he did feel they needed to finish this discussion in a more private place. He was enjoying the ability to give Hilary a taste of her own medicine for once. The trio took a cab to the apartment that Jeff was sharing with Scott, not one word was spoken the entire ride. Jeff and Maple however did not miss the opportunity to continue petting each other, Hilary sourly noted as she tried to ease away from Jeff. Part of her was beginning to believe it and another part of her knew damned good and well they were strictly doing this for her benefit. Hilary decided that she too could play the game. She turned toward Jeff and purposefully slid her hand between his legs and against his crotch. She could feel that he was aroused. A bolt of pure lust moved through her as he jumped and looked at her in dazed surprise. The cab stopped before any words could be said and the three left the cab and rode the elevator the fourth floor apartment of Scott's. As they walked into the small living room, Hilary removed her wrap and took a deep breath. "Married, Hmm?" Hilary began as she regarded the two. She could see that their teasing her had affected them as well. She could tell that Maple was just as inflamed as she was. She wasn't surprised; Jeffrey could be a very stimulating man. Hilary still wasn't sure if they were telling the truth or not, and decided that no matter what, she still wanted to stake her claim. Jeffrey was hers, plain and simple. She'd taught him everything he knew, in bed and out of it. Time for her to turn their passionate tide against them. "Lets play a game, shall we?" She suggested as she walked to the door to make sure it was locked. "Truth or dare." "Hilary look, this has gone too," Maple stopped when Hilary stepped close to her and began to toy with a stray lock of hair, "far." "The winner gets Jeffrey." Jeff stepped up, "Hilary." "No. If you think that getting back at me by claiming to be marrying Maple is going to make me see the light, then you're wrong. Your plan just backfired, Jeffrey darling." "Now wait a minute, 'miss I can't marry you I'm married to someone else' you have no room to talk!" Jeff retorted angrily. Hilary walked purposefully back to the couch and sat, "Truth or dare," she raised her eyebrow, "Jeffrey." "Truth!" he snapped walking to her. "Are you attracted to Maple?" He stumbled at the question. He hadn't expected her to ask that. He looked at Maple who stood equally dumbfounded. After seeing his hesitation, Hilary replied haughtily, "I could make you prove it." He stood straight, "Is that a dare?" No one spoke for what seemed like minutes. The sexual tension on the room was extremely palpable and neither of the three was unaffected. Maple kicked her shoes off and sat on the floor. She turned to Maple, having seen the woman sit. "Maple, truth or dare?" she asked, letting Jeff's reply pass. Maple crawled closer to the couch and sat at Hilary's feet. She lowered her lids challengingly and glared, "dare." Hilary gave a half smile and looked at Jeff. "Prove that Jeffrey is attracted to you." Fueled on by both a pure arousal and the plain challenge of it, Maple stood and walked to Jeff. She pulled his mouth to hers and kissed him deeply. "Take his clothes off," she heard Hilary whisper from directly behind her. As she began to unbutton Jeff's shirt with his help, Maple could feel Hilary unfastening her dress. Soon, both she and Jeff were completely nude. Giving Jeff a glance-over Maple admitted that he was certainly a finely tuned piece of work. Jeff could feel Hilary's hands on his back snaking slowly around his torso. As she pulled herself tight against him he could tell that she too had removed her clothes. He closed his eyes as both women began to rub against him. Hilary kneeled and pulled Jeff down with her. Maple followed suit. Jeff moved over Hilary effectively forcing her to lie down, "Wait," he said huskily, "Hilary hasn't had her turn yet." Maple lay on her side next to the pair, drifting a hand over Jeff's arm. "No, you're right she hasn't." Maple moved her hand to let her fingers roam through Hilary's hair. Jeff thought for a moment, "No, I don't think I'll give her a choice. She takes a dare." "Jeff--" Hilary started to complain when he lay flat over her, balancing his weight on his arms. Her body automatically arched against his and she mentally chided her weakness. "I," he bent and kissed her forehead, "dare you," her nose, "to let me," quickly on the lips, "make love to Maple." He moved off her as he allowed his words to sink in. He knew the moment they did. She sat quickly, "What?!" "Correct me if I'm wrong, Hilary," Maple said, pushing Jeff to the floor and straddling him, "Your dare to Jeff was to tell if he's attracted to me," She lifted her hips slightly to move him into position, "and your dare to me was to prove it." She sank slowly onto him and moaned slightly as he filled her. She stopped speaking and let the passionate moment move over her. Jeff lay his hands at her hips and eased her into a thrusting rhythm. She took a deep breath, "Okay, so I was a little wrong about my chemicals." Hilary sat for a moment; transfixed by the heady thrill of watching her husband have sex with another woman. Then she got jealous and decided she needed to be in on the act. She leaned lengthwise against them. The gentle rise and fall of Maple's leg moved against her pelvis, fueling her ardor even more. She let her hand trail over Jeff's chest, then up along Maple's body, stopping to tease her full breasts. Then she straddled Jeff's chest, facing Maple. Hilary leaned forward slightly and brushed a kiss against Maple's lips. She could feel Maple wrap her arms around her back and felt Jeff's fingers deftly tantalizing the sensitive skin between her legs. She sighed and deepened the kiss. Hilary pressed closer to Maple, laying a hand at the back of the woman's neck and threading her fingers through the brassy red hair. She pressed her other hand between Maple's legs adding extra stimulation. She heard Jeff groan audibly as he felt her fingers on his highly aroused member. Maple pulled away, "Hilary-- this is a side of you I never knew existed." Hilary laughed gutturally; "There are many sides to me that you don't know about." "You'd be surprised," Jeff moaned and moved his hands up to Hilary's hips, pulling her back so he could reach her with his tongue. Hilary sighed blissfully, "Oh pumpkin, I've missed your mouth." She lay flat letting the passions wash over her. Maple let her hands tangle through Hilary's hair. She was getting very close to her final release and was pushed over the edge when she felt Hilary's tongue where her fingers were moments before. She cried out as she lost control and tightly clenched at the skin across Hilary's back as she deepened Jeff's penetration. Jeff pushed Hilary slightly forward and groaned as he felt Maple's muscles contract around him. He felt her sit hard over him as she threw her head back and voiced her pleasure. "Oh Maple, whatever it is you're doing. . . keep doing it." Hilary knelt and wrapped the climaxing woman in her embrace. She felt Maple lay her head on her shoulder, then felt her nip at her neck as the tides of passion washed over her. Hilary closed her eyes and mewled with pleasure as Maple's spasming body rubbed against hers. Maple finally gave a final cry and collapsed breathlessly against Hilary. After letting herself relax, she moved away from Jeff and lay flat. "Oh wow. Gee, I haven't felt this good since--" she stopped herself, "in a long time." Maple sat and scooted herself behind Jeff, her legs on either side of him. She lay his head on her thigh and combed her fingers through his hair. Hilary still straddled Jeff's torso, facing away from him. She lay his still aroused, yet softening penis in the crook of her leg against the soft mat of hair. As she tenderly rubbed the sensitive surface, she realized that she had missed him terribly. Before she could stop herself she was crying softly. Concerned, Jeff sat and wrapped himself around her, "Hilary? Mittens, what's wrong?" She turned in his lap and lay her head on his shoulder. "What's wrong? Everything's wrong. You were only supposed to be gone for three weeks; we were supposed to be married. You weren't supposed to meet that Czechoslovakian bitch." She looked at Jeff, "Why couldn't THAT marriage have been illegal?" She closed her eyes to a fresh wave of sorrow and leaned her face against Jeff's. She felt him kiss her forehead. "That's what hurts the most I think," she said through tears, "We really wanted to get married that second time. I loved being your wife; and it wasn't real." She finished with barely a whisper. "I'm so tired of just acting like your wife. I want to -be- Mrs. Singer, not play her for the listening public." Maple sat behind them knowing she should probably slip out, but really not wanting to. She wiped a tear away that had fallen. She didn't realize that Hilary had really been that hurt. Hilary had spent so much of the time covering it up and blustering grandly about it, that she hadn't expected those feelings to be real. It frankly made her like Hilary even more, now that she knew that the woman had real feelings like everyone else. Jeff held Hilary tightly to him, kissing her face lightly all over. "Tomorrow sweetheart, I'll call a Justice and make him come down to the station. We'll have a special edition of Bedside Manor in the afternoon. He can marry us on the show, in front of all of Pittsburgh." He captured her lips into a lingering deep kiss, turned and lay her flat. He lay against her, his top leg draped between her legs. "I want to be your husband just as badly." He kissed her and drifted his hand slowly across her collarbone, down to cover her breast. He lightly teased the nipple with his thumb and when Hilary threw her head back, mewling softly, he replaced his hand with his mouth. Hilary sighed contentedly, tangled her hands in his hair, "Oh . . . pumpkin--" she whispered softly. "Please don't stop," her back arched involuntarily as a bolt of electricity shot through her body. "Please don't ever stop." "Never. . ." Jeff growled as he roughly captured her mouth. Maple moved to the couch and lay down. They had obviously forgotten she was in the room. She knew she shouldn't watch such a private moment, but she couldn't take her eyes off them. She had been a participant and an observer with a few other couples. Friends of hers from the Follies. And there was Scott . . . But she couldn't remember being this drawn, this affected when she watched. She felt as though she was watching something . . . she couldn't think of the word, but it seemed like she was seeing something magical. That wasn't quite the word either. She pulled the afghan off the back of the couch and wrapped it around her. She could feel herself getting aroused again. As she watched Jeff and Hilary make love, Maple let her hands drift between her legs. "Please, Jeffrey darling, I need to feel you inside me again." Hilary rose her body to meet his as he moved over her. "Not just physically, pumpkin; I need to feel you again." He entered her with one deep thrust, "Darling all you ever had to do was just let me back in. No matter what you might think, I never left you." She moaned in eager pleasure as Jeff began their familiar rhythm. A part of her blossomed as she realized that he hadn't forgotten how they made love. "Why ... why do I have to be so bloody stubborn." She muttered between passionate sighs. Jeff laughed against her neck, the vibrations sending trails of little thrills down her body. "Sweetheart, you are . . . who you are. Hilary Booth will be a stubborn . . . insatiable woman for the rest of her life." "Singer." Jeff stopped his movements, "What?" She took a deep breath as the fiery feelings suddenly ceased. "Hilary Singer." She could feel her muscles twitching anxiously against his throbbing member, buried deep inside her. "I think by now we've become so intertwined, you and I Mr. Singer, it's time I took your name. Hilary Booth no longer exists without Jeffrey Singer." She wrapped her arms around Jeff and pulled him flat against her. Quietly, she said in his ear, "I don't think she ever really existed before you, either." Jeff leaned up enough to kiss her and resumed his movements. "Hilary," he said as he thrust against her, "I will make sure this wedding is legal if I have to marry you in each one of the forty-eight states." She giggled lightly, reveling in the pleasure he was giving her, "Careful, I just may make you do that." Maple sighed and leaned her head back as she felt her self-indulged climax reaching its apex. She could hear Hilary loudly crying Jeff's name as she too reached her culmination. She turned her head to watch as the couple lying in the floor reached the pinnacle of their lovemaking. She smiled, seeing them coddling and cooing with each other, made her glad she'd taken their frustrating matters into her own hands. Once they had separated and moved to lie in each other's arms, she crawled back over to them. She was worried that they'd scream at her for not leaving, but she knew her being there and not letting her presence be known was just as awkward for her. "Um . . . heya." Hilary sleepily lifted her head from where it was pillowed on Jeff's chest. "Maple . . . I wondered where you had gotten to." Hilary reached a hand to the woman, which she took. "Thank you," She dropped a kiss on Maple's palm. "For kicking me in my stubbornness." "I should go home and let you guys get some sleep." Maple mentioned. Jeff quickly reached his arm behind her, trapping her against him, "No. Stay here, a beautiful woman like you shouldn't be alone on the streets this time of the night." Maple bowed her head slightly and blushed, "Aww gee Jeff, now you're makin' me wish I'd just invited -you- to dinner." Hilary cleared her throat and said, smile obvious, "Get your kicks in now Maple because after tomorrow afternoon, Jeffrey Singer will be a married man. This time I'll tie that knot so tightly he'll never break free." Jeff smiled, then something occurred to him. "You know, Mittens . . ." "Mittens?!" Maple asked having never heard Jeff use his pet name for Hilary before. She chuckled. Hilary gave her a wry look, "What is so funny about that?" Maple tried to stifle her laughs, "I . . . sorry Hilary. It's just that," she started giggling again, "you never really struck me as the sort to have a nickname like that. It's . . . cute." She tried again to stop her laughing, "I just always thought Jeff called you pumpkin like you call him." "Only at work." Jeff responded, "Mittens is a special name and I only use it privately." "I-I'm sorry." Maple apologized barely hiding the grin; "It just struck me as funny." She lay down next to Jeff and propped her head on her hand; she let the other drift openly over Jeff's chest. "How did she acquire it?" Maple asked Jeff sincerely. "I'll let him tell you, only if you promise never to tell anyone at work." Hilary spoke up; "they might get the wrong impression about me." Maple gave Hilary a sarcastic glance; "Exactly what part of this evening would I tell ANYONE at work about?" "Good point, though I will give you twenty-bucks if you tell Gertie," Hilary said with a laugh, "but only if you wait until I'm there to see her hit the floor." Once their laughter died down, Jeff explained, "When we were on the road with Razzle Dazzle probably a few months after we'd met--" "Married and divorced," Hilary interrupted. "You know, we should have just stayed married then. It would have saved us a lot of trouble, though I probably would have killed you by now." "Ha ha," Jeff sarcastically laughed and tangled his hand into her hair and squeezed. "Anyway, the train was stopped near Denver due to an avalanche that had covered the tracks. Of course we were in the middle of nowhere, unable to leave the train yet freezing in the train. We had just left Dallas where it was fairly warm and being March we didn't think there would be *much* snow still around Colorado. No one thought about melting snow from the mountains. Which is why the train was stuck tight on the tracks blocked by that snow." He propped his head on his arm and continued, his other hand still drifting through Hilary's hair, "They say we were lucky, had the train been five minutes earlier, we'd have all been killed." Hilary dropped a kiss on his shoulder, she knew the story was hard for him to tell. "Go on darling, get to the "who is this woman' part," she urged with a grin. "Well, we at least were lucky enough to be out of the bitterly cold wind. But it still got damned cold in that train. Having come from a warm city, no one was prepared for that much cold. We all had coats and things, but no one had any gloves. About an hour later, people started showing up with gloves on. No one knew where they came from and I wondered too, until I recognized a pair." Jeff explained, "I knew they had come from Hilary. It surprised the hell out of me; she usually kept herself away from us mere minions. I went back into our compartment and saw her sitting on the bed wrapped in her coat and all the blankets. She'd given away every pair of gloves she owned except for one. A set of green woolen mittens. He looked lovingly into Hilary's eyes, "She offered them to me, saying she was sorry but they were the last pair she had. I told her we could-" "Share them." Hilary interrupted, "and share them we did." She raised her eyebrow, "among other ways to keep warm." Maple smiled, "So how long were you stuck on those tracks?" "I honestly don't know." Jeff said with a mischievous glint in his eye, "We spent several hours keeping warm. But she's been my 'Mittens' ever since." "That's a really swell story." Maple shivered as a draft made its way across her bare back, "Speaking of keeping warm. "Oh yes, it is getting a bit nippy." Jeff agreed, "Let's go into the bedroom." They stood and moved into Jeff's bedroom, and crowded into his double sized bed. Jeff lay in the middle and pulled Hilary against him, affording her another kiss. Maple slid into the bed behind Jeff and observed, "You know I'm beginning to feel like a third wheel here." "Oh really," Jeff rolled and trapped Maple beneath him holding her tightly against his body, "Guess we wouldn't want that." He kissed her hard and rubbed his body against hers. He moved and Maple dazedly looked at him, "Careful, you don't want to start something you shouldn't finish. "You know Maple," Hilary said as she sat and moved a hand determinedly over Jeff's body, "Jeffrey has yet to get his." Maple smiled and agreed. She moved the pillows and sat against the headboard making Jeff half sit between her legs, leaning against her. As Hilary moved lower to tease Jeff's lower body with her tongue, Maple teased every inch of his upper body with her hands. Every so often she would bend to nibble a bit at his neck. Jeff groaned and threw his head back against Maple's shoulder when he felt Hilary take him fully into her mouth. "Hilary-yy," he clutched the bedsheets tightly as her tongue found the sensitive spots that only she had been able to find. He turned his head slightly and drove his tongue into the warmth of Maple's mouth. She sucked eagerly, her own tongue dancing with his. The lock to the front door twisted open and Scott walked into his apartment. His trip to Washington for the Armed Forces Network had fallen through due to a bomb scare in the building that turned out not to be. They'd canceled the meeting none-the-less. He threw his overnight suitcase on the couch and noticed the clothing and the afghan from the couch spread on the floor. It dawned on him that Jeff must have conned Hilary back into his --wait, Scott realized belatedly that he recognized the dress as Maple's. With a lift of his brow, he shook his head and chuckled. Hilary is going to kill them both for this. He heard a laugh from Jeff's room. With a furrow of his eyebrows, he realized Hilary was in there. He looked around again; he couldn't imagine someone as impeccable a dresser as Hilary is borrowing Maple's clothes. He caught sight of another dress that was obviously Hilary's near the couch. "Jeff Singer you dog." Scott whispered with surprise in his voice. He crept around the corner and saw the bedroom door was wide open, Jeff hadn't expected him home for the next week. He saw much to his amusement, the three of them rather intimately engaged. He laughed inwardly; he planned to get some mileage out of this one. He stood and leaned in the open doorway waiting for them to notice he was there. Maple saw him first and screamed. Both Hilary and Jeff jumped and turned to see what Maple was screaming about. "Hiya Jeff," Scott said as if nothing was wrong, "They canceled my meeting." Jeff scrambled to cover both of the women and himself, "Scott, why didn't you call!?" "'Cause Jeff this is my apartment that I'm letting you live in until you work things out with Hilary, which apparently you have. I didn't expect you to be entertaining one woman, let alone two," then Scott started grinning, "and if I had called I wouldn't have walked in on several months worth of blackmail material." He left the doorway laughing and Jeff heard his bedroom door shut. Maple climbed out from behind Jeff and got out of the bed, "I'll go talk to him." She posed one leg on the bed and thrust her bare chest outward, "I have ways of making him shut-up." She left the room, closing the door tightly behind her. Jeff lay down and pulled Hilary into his arms, "I thought Scott was going to be gone all week. Guess we should have gone to our. . . er . . . your house." "That's all right. You couldn't have known that his meeting would be canceled." She assured, toying with his chest hair, "Besides, you couldn't have known that you, Maple & I would have had such an interesting dinner date." "True." he smiled. "Hilary, I'm sorry we tricked you." "I'm sorry I lied to you, about being married," Hilary admitted. "It's just that I love you so much it scares me. I can't control it and that's what frightens me. I don't like not having control." Jeff pulled her into his embrace, lying low enough that he could lay both hands aside her face, "Mittens you can control it. Just let it happen." "But around other people," she started to explain. "Hilary darling, they aren't 'other people'. They are your friends. If you can't be yourself among your friends, what is the point of having them?" Jeff asked. "You're right." Hilary agreed, then gave off an embarrassed chuckle, "Scotty certainly got an eyeful tonight and you know he won't let us forget this." Jeff laughed, "No, he won't." He silenced and rolled, covering Hilary, "but lets not think about that anymore. We have a lot of catching up to do, Mrs. Singer." The End